Khamis, 9 April 2015

~Access Make It Simple~ + Pre-campaign report ( Work-in Progress )

               ~ Access Simplifying Data ~

Fact of the day:Other than Microsoft Excel we can also use Microsoft Access to manage our data. Wow, i had never paying attention on other available things in the set of Microsoft Office except the most common one such as Microsoft Word , Power point and Publisher. In addition, i never took any computer class. So, this is kind a new knowledge for me. However, i thought that by knowing this skills, it will help me a lot in the future. I am very excited to know more on ways that technology can make our work becoming more and more efficient. Well, to compare what technology that human used to make a database before this with the nowadays technology , we should be thankful. we can save our time by throw away the tedious work. okay, back to the heading topic, what is the Microsoft Access anyway? [Microsoft Access is a database creation program that allows for anyone to easily maintain and edit a database. It is suitable for anything from small projects to large businesses, and is a very visual program. This makes it great for performing data entry, as you don’t need to work with tables and spreadsheets.]

Microsoft Excel VS Microsoft Access

Basically, Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheets that easy to set up. everyone can do it. while, Microsoft Access is a database that simplify things over time and not as easy as the Excel. These two software are actually made up for compliment each other. Both of the software had it owns weakness and strength. you can see more on this topic here.

This is our 1st trial on using the Microsoft Access

Pre-Campaign Report : Work-in Progress

On the last Tuesday, we had our 1st meeting with our client in the Red Card Cafe Bangi. we had been entertained by Cik Shaniza which is the manager at the cafe. we had collected enough information to be included in the client overview. Next, for the strategy, we had proposed a several keywords to be tested in this mission.

we have only around 10 days more to complete the report. so, i hope that we will able to complete it in this within time given and able to convince our client with our presentation on 23/4/2015.

Khamis, 2 April 2015

Hi Newbies! : All About the Website . .^____^


Now, ladies and gentleman, Does your website have what it takes to be the best website ever? . why is it important to updating and renovate your website? because you are handling with a human basically, the website is actually a tool to communicate with your potential customer. so, put yourself as a potential customer. what do you expect from the website? is that website give you the information that you asked for. Okay, these are the things that you all have to be considered when you want to build up a website:-

1. Appearance
2. Content
3. Functionality
4. Website Usability
5. Search Engine Optimization

In our lab today, we are able to critic red card cafe's website. hehehe

based on our finding, 

Appearance - no problem with the color,they use mainly red and white              color. Quite fascinating and attractive. 

             the menu images are very,very,very eye's appealing.
Content       - informative enough. 
Functionality - we thought that perhaps that they can add another                   functional button which is a service button because                 we found out that the 'about us' button's content                   the mixture of history and service that their 
Website Usability - Presentation of information and choices in a                         clear and concise way. website is appropriate                       for all ages and gender.



every website must start with a :-

1. online presence which are email or website as info

2. Interactive Marketing- communicate a customers

3. Online transaction such as e-commerce and penpal

4. Loyalty building features such as the necessity of log in. eg: Social media

However, Social media has cross the flow directly from 1 to 4. there skip the procedures of number 2 and 3. this what we called leap frogging.